At Simul Books, we publish excellent books that are lovingly presented but terribly marketed.

If you have questions or comments—or would like one of our books for review—please email us.


If you have a work of fiction (novel, story collection) to publish with us, here are a few things you should know:

  1. Please send a complete manuscript. We’ll stop reading if the piece isn’t right for us.
  2. We have no guarantees on turnaround time. Ideally, we’ll get back to you within 90 days.
  3. We expect you to have read (and liked) The Great Divorce, Something to Do with Paying Attention, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, and/or something by Truman Capote.
  4. You have said, “I want to write like that” about at least one of the following authors: Hemingway, Hawthorne, Cather, Eco, Endo, O’Connor, (Tim) O’Brien, or Roth.
  5. You don’t mind knowing that your book might be available to the world but your publisher has done absolutely nothing to promote it.
  6. Submissions are open until we get too many to keep up with. Then we close, clean out our inbox, and open up again.

Please email us. We’ll acknowledge your message within 48 hours.